Transforming into a more greener community, one business at a time

Prince William County Businesses Investing in Sustainability. We engage businesses with local government, peers, civic and environmental organizations. We educate members on sustainability best practices, resulting in environmental responsibility and locally-informed community action.

Our Benefits
Our member companies actively participate in the work of environmental sustainability at the organizational level and in our communities with the ultimate goals of reducing litter waste and increasing business recycling in Prince William County.
Environmental Professional Course
This covers environmental sustainability concepts, local laws and regulations, and tools available to assist businesses with developing and managing an environmental program for their business.
Conference events with speakers and education sessions allow members to leverage best practices from environmental professionals, PWC leadership, and peer organizations and an annual awards recognition ceremony.
We provide members with high-quality professional resources including an environmental audit toolkit, best practices, grant opportunities, news across the field, and more.​
Annual recognition and achievements of businesses for multiple levels of sustainable contributions.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 of the Environmental Professional Certificate Training Course!

Pictured left to right: John Hicks- Fillagreen, Susan Howell- PWC Master Gardener, Rico Fleshman- PWCGBC Chair, Jeremiah Mitchell- Iron Mountain, Andrew Uglow- PWC Environmental Management, Grace Canna- KPWB. Not pictured: Pauline Hunter- Top Ladies of Distinction, Alyssa Ludwiczak- Omniride

VA Statewide Polystyrene Ban
The Virginia General Assembly passed legislation in 2021 that will ban the use of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) by food vendors. The legislation also discourages the sale and use of EPS products and the encourages the promotion of alternatives to EPS. Initially, the bill was delayed until 2028 and 2023, however, the recently approved budget bill moved forward the dates of enactment to 2025 and 2026.
Currently, the ban is to take effect in two phases:
By July 1, 2025, food establishments with 20 or more locations must stop using EPS containers.
​By July 1, 2026, remaining food establishments must comply.
​Please visit this link for more details: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title10.1/chapter14/section10.1-1424.3/
For our Food Establishments:
Where to start? Visit DEQ webpage for foam free resources:

PWC Landfill Tipping Fee
Beginning January 1, 2024, waste haulers and commercial users will be charged a $40 per ton tipping fee for regular refuse disposal. The New landfill tipping fee will go into effect January 1, 2024, and will apply to waste haulers, commercial users, and hauling companies disposing of refuse generated in Prince William County at Fairfax County facilities.
These fees fund landfill operations, trash disposal, composting, recycling operations, and importantly, the construction and capping of future cells. Fee information and FAQs are available at www.pwcva.gov/disposalfees or by clicking the link below.